Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"I believe that life is chaotic, a jumble of accidents, ambitions, misconceptions, bold intentions, lazy happenstances, and unintended consequences, yet I also believe that there are connections that illuminate our world, revealing its endless mystery and wonder."
David Moranis

Today my thoughts will mostly be:

Jump up at cats. Eat breakfast. Tennis ball, dream about frisbees, chase Pud, bark at the mysterious cat upstairs, tennis ball, chew Pud's feet, ferret toy, run about a bit, socks. I like socks. Tennis ball, frisbee, say hello to Pud, bark at strange man who is chopping trees down. Bark again. Make sure he has heard me. Bark a bit more. Look for food. Mooch about a bit. Sit for a photograph. Bark at man who has come to sweep chimney. Tennis ball. Bark a bit more. Tennis ball. Cuddle. Try and steal something to eat. Say hello to man who has come to chop trees by lying on my back and waving my legs in the air. Dream of frisbees. Cuddle. Look jealously at Pud out in the garden. Tennis ball. Say hello to man who has come to clean chimney by lying on my back and waving my legs in the air. Bark at mysterious cat upstairs. Have a short sleep. Ferret toy. Tennis ball. Dream of frisbee. Think that maybe Pud would like to play. Wonder, briefly, why Pud has disappeared. Sleep. Bark a bit for no reason. Sleep. Tennis ball. Frisbee. Cuddle.

They say that dogs look like their owners. Well, I would contend that they think like them, too, for sure. This is not massively dissimilar to the things in my head - only they are much less interesting. Cup of tea. Email. Finish Proposal. Tea. Meeting. Chat aimlessly purposefully with ops man/education person/producer/admin support. Telephone call. Wonder if Pud would like to play? Make important decision. Budget. Meeting. Begin funding application. Bark at cast. See rehearsal. Meeting. Tea. Dream of Frisbee. Yadda Yadda. See?

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