
By TMac

Mixed Fortunes

An interesting day.

I had organised to go on a full day kayak trip on Loch Tummel so was up early filling flasks with soup and hot chocolate.

Fortuitously, I offered my daughter a lift to school.
After dropping her, as I waited at a junction, a man started pointing at my car.
Oh joy, a puncture.
I say fortuitiously because had I taken my usual route, I would likely have been on the motorway when the tyre went flat...

The day seemed destined to be a washout.

Three knights in shining armour rescued my day.
The roadside assistance man who arrived 20 minutes before the updates advised.
The kayak guide who called me, calmed me, and told me he'd leave a kayak beside his van.
Our local garage owner who sent a mechanic to get a new tyre and got me back on the road.
I arrived, 3 hours later than anticipated, but I harnessed my recent skills to paddle against the wind to meet the others.

And all was well...

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