Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

After the Surf Home

(The title has nothing at all to do with the photo; it's the title of a poem of my mother's she's had locked away in an old ClarisWorks file, and I've just this moment managed to get at the text for her. I'm pleased, so I'm commemorating by thusly naming my blip.)

The photo is another OneStreet image, taken at the intersection of Katoomba and Waratah streets, just where I turn off the former onto the latter, to head to the Katoomba community health centre.

Larger (and grainier) here.

Good day for the kids with school. Missymoo came home with an award for maths (which of course pleases me) ;-) and Mstr 5 (as well as telling us that his entire class got an award xP ) came home with a chunk of information from his teachers - including the results from the "BestStart" testing screening thingy they do before the beginning of Kindergarten. Seems barmy to me, but whatever. Anyway, they never gave us any information about Missy's, but lots this year (the new principal seems to be having a really good effect on the school). It was quite impressive to see laid out on those couple of pages how much he can do with his letters and numbers. And then all the feedback about how clearly and confidently he speaks ... really I don't know whence he came. Can't be my child. xP

Anyway, off to see if I've had a reply from mother about her poem....

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