With local weather forecasts often unreliable, it was quite a shock to find that what it had said on the tin had actually happened. Sleety snow overnight was lying as thick slush as I sloshed my way to the gym early this morning.
Whereas the powers that be had gritted dry pavements 2 days ago when the temperature was 9°, they had failed to heed the forecast for last night and there was absolutely no gritting in this corner of the world leaving it quite slippery in places. If the gritters don’t appear soon and it freezes overnight as is threatened, the paths and pavements will be skating rinks tomorrow. My lovely red walking pole will be put to use - a broken hip and a stay in a Covid ravaged hospital is not something I want to contemplate.

If ever my parcel exploits of yesterday were in question, I’m happy to say that my two parcels to Glasgow sent by Hermes, arrived at their destination at lunch time today. That is what I call service. If the one to Yorkshire arrives on time too, then it’s a 10/10 from me.

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