
It rained today, it rained all day, and the forecast for tomorrow is more rain.

I had a nice chat with my friend John this morning on zoom.  It is good that people are still able to keep in touch.  As he is now the grand age of 80 he will be top of the list for a vaccination, not that I feel hard done by, I just feel that level 4 for the clinically unsound is a bit of a wait for the jab!

After lunch the rain eased a little so I ventured out for a quick walk to Shottery and back, taking two or three snaps along the way.  These pretty pink trumpets in Anne Hathaway's garden were still standing up to the rain and gave a splash (pun intended) of brightness to a dull day.

As a result of the rain Shottery Brook was running fairly fast and deep.  There is a little waterfall that I am sure I must have blipped in the past but unfortunately I cannot get near it since the whole place was locked off.  Using a long lens I managed to get a pic of the part of the falls, not very satisfactory,  but I've added it to the extras anyway.

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