You're Hired

A very nice professional lady came to see us today and has promised that her team will look after Carol for us. We liked her we liked what she told us and so we said you're hired!

We are aiming for C to be home in 7 to 10 days. We've still got stuff to do in the house, but my site manager Nicola has been cracking the whip and we're now getting on well.

The TV aerial man is coming tomorrow, various bits of shopping arrive over the weekend and on Monday Cs equipment arrives.

Tomorrow afternoon I have a pre Christmas shop coming.

Now we've got to just liaise with social worker the home and the carer who will hopefully arrive the day before we collect her.

The blind order is up the swanny cos I didn't read what they'd told me so I'm a bit miffed about that so hopefully the handyman will be able to come back to fit those at a later date. Dohh....

Thanks for calling in and for all of your help and advice over the past few days weeks months.

Now, what can I cook for tea...



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