Day 262 - Day 2 - Tier 3 - Surprise

Spent some time sorting out bird feeders – we had ordered more seeds  and mew feeders.
Then I went into the garage to get something and he latch got stuck – the handle had been troublesome for a while.  I eventually managed to open it and KG then took it apart and we thought it was working  - we were one each side now and it stuck again – so I let KG into the garage and then I went around to lock the front door and pick up keys.  KG managed to get something in-between the latch and opened the door.  New latch ordered
The Elves were very quiet this morning and I wondered where they had got to.
On opening the porch door  Elf and Safety shouted surprise.
Overnight they had moved in more elves and they were all in hiding in the tree including Elf and Safety
I should have known better and listened to what people had said.
A very wet and dull day again

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