Fascinating Behaviour

Terrible pic, interesting observation.

This morning I was looking out into the wood and I saw a large pink bird sat high in a tree. As my eyes focused I realised it was one of our somewhat shy Jays.
At almost the same time I saw the red squirrel running along the ground. What happened next was fascinating.

The Jay hopped from branch to branch, tree to tree, but clearly followed the squirrel as it ran along the ground.
The squirrel went to the feeder and then, as squirrels do at this time of year, hopped over to the huge spruce and started to bury monkey nuts. The Jay sat on a branch and watched.
Once the squirrel headed back to the feeder the Jay flew down and dug up the nuts with its beak. The squirrel ran back and they had a good squabble which ended with the Jay flying off with at least one nut in its beak.

Philosophy Friday
At the very end your life will be detailed as two dates and a dash. Make the best of the dash.

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