Therapet appointment

Breagha had an on line meeting with some kids from a Perth secondary school. She did very well the kids had questions for me About her and hopefully we can meet in person soon.

Got a call from the warden to say mum not feeling well so went over with our medical equipment! BP good, oxygen levels 95 which is great for her age and temp 36.5. I think a reoccurrence of her labrynthitis as she is very dizzy and no energy. She was worried it was a TIA and called the doc so we had a phone consultation. Want to avoid going anywhere near a hospital if possible in this current climate.

Hurt my lower back back reaching for something in the ground so sat with ice on it hopefully it’s not a long problem as I’m nearing the end of Cycle 3.

End of ‘celebrity’ tonight with the winner someone who is married to a celebrity not actually one herself. She seems nice but too yummy mummy, screeechy huggy luvvy lacking one personality to me. Either of the other two would have been more happy with especially Vernon who had a more horrific last trial. Hers wasn’t really testing. Anyway, hopefully back in the jungle next year :).

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