.....with the sound of birdsong

Good day today.  Started off with my usual Monday Tai Chi session.  Then after lunch I decided it was too nice to stay indoors so Hubby was in the garden, G wanted to do his ironing???!!!) so I popped out to Old Park Wood and Levens Estuary..

Wow I haven't been there for several months and I think today was one of the most stunning I've ever seen it.  There was one car in the car park, when I got there.  The only people I saw were an older couple with dog coming down the steps from the caravan park going in the opposite direction and one older gentleman - whom we did socially distance have a chat too and that was it.  JUST ME AND ALL OF THIS - it is sooooo stunning.  A lot of bird life too, which is always a joy.  I really must bring my binoculars to get a close look at them.  My zoom is only up to 300mm so I couldn't really get a good sharp shot of them, so I must save hard and invest in a longer zoom, although that is likely to make it very heavy too.

I walked around the grassed areas too as the tide was well out but always kept an eye on where I was treading and that the main path isn't too far way.  You can't always walk here when the tide is in as it can actually cover the path when it's very high.

You can hear the faint buzz of the A590 between Newby Bridge and Ulverston in the distance but that is all. I must also sometime go on the actual woodland walk, but when you get views like this, that literally take my breath away, I just stay where I am.  

Now to get ready for the evening meal and Mindfulness session. 

I've got a couple of days of wonderful housework to do now so I'm really pleased I went out this afternoon.  It wasn't particularly cold either, but quite muddy.  I did kneel down to take the first extra but then struggled to get up as there was nothing to hold on to - eeeeekkkkk!!!  I must strengthen my legs.

Anyway that's all from me.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

I didn't know which photo to choose so I chose this because the raised sand bed.  Two others in Extras.

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