Monday Mono

THANK YOU ALL for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's last-minute brilliance!  It is so very much appreciated!

I didn't join the theme so I didn't tag this.

Too dark outside for a decent shot, and I even almost forgot to do it.  Somewhere inside, though, there's always some geometric figure needing to be captured.  I am wondering if you can guess what this is ... ?  Can't promise any other reward than a seasonal card.  I'm sure you can see it, shouldn't be difficult.

A hard tummy which I tried to relieve by drinking warm fluids.  Other than MOOCking, did a bit more colouring, some housework, and then another long chat with Mimi.  There's a lot of scurrying and scrambling behind our backs, we can tell, and we are enjoying some good laughs.  Thanks to the gossip that's been unexpectedly floating our way, all of which has been passed on to the Viking, he is initiating some legal maneouvres again.  Towards the evening, I was a lot less stressed.  AW had his Monday online bridge and I got more and more relaxed.

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