Rainbow's end

I piggy-backed my sister's hair appt and had a much needed fringe trim, then a quick visit to make an appt at the funeral director's. This was the end of a superb, intense rainbow that we found spanned the whole sky when we emerged from the lane.

Back at Dad's place I spent quite a long time emptying all his bottles of redundant energy drink that we can't return so that the bottles could be recycled. Unfortunately, he'd just got a new delivery last Friday so I filled a black bin bag completely!

We've got a few things clear in our heads ready for the funeral organising tomorrow and I've written the note we want to send out to all his friends. I couldn't find suitable packs of cards in which to send them for love nor money when I went out for a supposedly quick trip to pick some up. I suppose people write so rarely these days that note cards aren't worth stocking, and with Christmas overwhelming everything the choice was a fat zero. We need a Plan B!

I don't yet feel I'm my heart and mind like Dad's gone as I didn't see him die. It's a very strange place to be.

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