
A full and eventful day today. I was up at the museum with my NC group in the morning so I had to meet a fellow lecturer beforehand. This meant getting a different bus from my usual one into town. On the bus I bumped into my next door neighbour Ken, Christina s former student and Graham, a former workmate at the college.

Christina was getting off at the same stop as me so that was an easy blip. I headed up to meet Conor at Brewlab for a coffee before the museum but there was confusion as he thought I'd said Brewdog instead. Anyway we met the students in time and did some time at the museum with them before I had to head back down to the college.

En route I popped into see Charlotte at the tattoo studio to get her to check over my initial work on the website redesign I'm doing for her. Hopefully full steam ahead with it now.

Then it was back into work from one until half five, before meeting Roz in town where she was babysitting for heather for a couple of hourse so she could go to Milo's parents evening.

I was shattered when I got home, the day hasn't been helped by the fact that an intense session of kettle bell workouts at Taekwon Do last night meant that every muscle from my knees to my ribs was totally seized up today. Oh well, I'll feel the benefit of it soon.

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