Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Mystery solved

Nelson is nothing more than a giant piggy-bank, well, deposit facility, though it appears that any cash slipped between his lips must have been hurriedly removed, and not allowed to collect like Timmy Tiptoes' nuts in the bottom of a hollow tree. There was obviously once a pitifully small cash-drawer on wheels inside his otherwise empty head.

Despite the apparently huge variety of entertainments (paranormal activity? and weddings??) on offer at Fort Amherst, the truth of the matter is that it is a hill with far too large a collection of cannon and precious little else as far as I could see. It appears that another visitor (not I) is equally sick of cannon strewn everywhere across the Chatham landscape and has taken unilateral action in protest - the hill opposite is home to the University for the Creative Arts and yet we have no public art here.

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