Evening blip.

A bit of allsorts this morning.
Wrapping more presents.
A little bit of gardening as the sun kept peeping on and off. I did some light pruning the roses, by which I mean taking off the stems which were still flowering and bringing them into the kitchen to put on the windowsill in a jug. Then pruning the others lightly and putting that into one of the compost bins. As I stood by the patio table with a mug of coffee and a biscuit our pair of blackbirds were foraging up near the apple tree.
There were several coal tits on the two nut feeders, the nuthatches on the other feeders, with one of two goldfinches on the niger seed holder.
I came back indoors to finish off making a cooked lunch.
This afternoon I started hanging the decorations on the tree before preparing for my hour and a half French Conversation on Zoom, with another two ladies and Thierry who tries to keep us in order during the session he runs.
It was very interesting today, talking about different Christmas traditions.
I was able to recount the French tradition which occurs on St Nicholas Day, 6th December. My lovely friend (from Alsace originally) had written an account earlier in the week on blip.
I, of course, had to relate it in French.
We talked about the various Northern European countries which also celebrate on that date.
A discussion about Advent, an account of the Fête des Lumières in Lyon followed with a little video. It was superb. Beat the pants off Blackpool any day!
All very enjoyable and stimulating.
It’s now post teatime and a little later our son Alan says he and Jen will FaceTime after the kids have gone to bed (and hopefully asleep) to talk. about Christmas. Sounds intriguing.
It has been a busy day!
Here is a link to YouTube if you would like to see the Fête des Lumières from Lyon. (2019)

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