Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Sand-Painted Cuban Dancers

Last year we purchased a pair of Cuban dancers from a local artisan at our Resort on Cayo Coco. I can't remember the wood (teak?), but their clothing is painted with local sand. In 2011 we had a chance to visit Havana, and saw some amazing sand paintings on the sides of buildings.

I tried my damnedest to get a blip from outside, but I'm running out of ideas and patience as things continue to be hues of grey, beige, brown and white... I also need to come up with some magical use of bounced, off camera flash for an assignment for a Facebook Photo group. Not sure there's a lot of "depth" to this pic with the use of flash, but I do like the ruffles in the skirt.

The plan was to go to Holguin, Cuba this year for the annual Caribbean trip. The potential for damage, yet to be repaired, from Hurricane Sandy in 2012, as well as endless stories/warnings of Cholera outbreaks, we've decided to go to Cancun, Mexico.

I'm excited for the new photography potential (ancient ruins, funky flora and fauna, etc...), as well as exploring a culture very different from Cuba. I really wan to get a chance to visit the eastern part of Cuba. Maybe 2014...

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