
By SpotsOfTime


Redmire Farm

More sorting inside - all to the backdrop of the Veneerings. Buying a pedigree puppy hasn’t helped. I could have told them it wouldn’t. If they’d bought a baby I’d be on to social services. It hardly seems fair on the poor little blighter.
Then into town to the bank for stuff I’d forgotten yesterday and on to Oxfam - I had to grovel to get them to take my stuff which was all neatly packed with their gift aid stickers. The ladies had a conference and decided to let me leave it but all the poor charity shops seem to be full to the brim and overflowing with too much stuff and not being able to store or shift it. Another byproduct of covid, we’re becoming constipated with all our stuff.
More sorting outside - off to Flusco which was very quiet.
Then I decided to treat myself to a Goldsworthy Pinfold, a no-sundowner cocktail of bog, infused with hint of cow muck and sphagnum, drenched in soft Cumbrian drizzle. I always love a Goldsworthy sheepfold but to be honest the staggering single span slate bridge nearby stole the show.
Then it was back home to even more sorting for the recycling tomorrow.

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