Tranquil scene, Mote Park

It’s 10 years ago today that Dad died. It was that hard winter of 2010 when heavy snow fell on the days after his death and the temperatures plummeted to -10c or lower where we were in the West Midlands.

It was touch and go as to whether the roads would be clear enough for the funeral cortège and mourners to travel to the church and on to the crematorium. In the end we managed it all, except we had to miss out passing by where he lived as a boy, the Victorian walled garden of Orleton Hall where he worked all his life and the house which was our home for 50 years.

Edit: how could I have forgotten to mention how wonderful his funeral service was. The church at Wrockwardine was decorated for Christmas giving very special and warm atmosphere which will forever be in my mind.

The longer he’s been gone, the more I miss him. His wise counsel, his gentle nature and all the things he did for us and our mum and his service for our country during the War.

I’ve posted a photo of him as a standard bearer for the RBL before on blip. I tried to put that link in again but it didn’t work. I will if I can find the image again. Edit: here it is:

Meanwhile, back in the present, we walked this morning to Tesco’s for some ham, going on into Mote Park from where this tranquil scene was taken. The ham was duly eaten in some very fine sandwiches with fresh homemade bread and mustard.

Wrote a few cards and letters this afternoon. Susan is at her mum’s on her Friday visit. I’m doing the dinner - Friday night omelette and salad. We’ll be watching the Bellowhead concert this evening seeing as we missed it on Saturday when we were dealing with Doreen.

Thank you for some helpful and insightful comments yesterday.

PS, knee quite good, one or two twinges, stiffness in muscles above and below, which is what I’ve had for weeks.

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