Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Golden Hour

After weeks of trying, I finally managed to get onto the aqua gym class this morning, so I went earlier to swim some lengths first.  The class itself was great, they only allow a maximum of 12 people and one didn't turn up.  We all had our own space in the pool, I felt very comfortable being there, and I've managed to get on the list for next week.

I was home by 11.30am  and prepared a corned beef hash for tonight - I've not made this for ages and we both really enjoyed it!   I made omelettes for lunch, and then at 3pm I went to meet Karen for a walk along the Undercliff.  We were lucky as it was a low tide and the sunset was fantastic as you can see.

Tonight I met Alison at Leonardslee Gardens for their Christmas illuminations.  It was good, but there were far too many people there so I'm glad I had my mask with me!  You had to pre-book and there were two time slots, 6.30pm and 7.45pm, I could only get the 7.45 slot and the queue was so long, Alison got there before me so she started queuing at 7.30 and it was after 8pm when we got in.  After stopping to take photos, we ended up being the last two which I was happy with as it meant we weren't caught up with the crowd, but there were staff bringing up the rear and were hurrying us along as they wanted to switch lights off.  It wasn't even 9pm, so we weren't impressed!

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