Buying a New Fig Tree

The fence is finished and the small plot where the fig tree was has been cleared of ash, soot and other fire debris, filled with new soil and leveled, so we set off for the Urban Tree Farm to get some new trees.

Our health director has now put Sonoma County back to March restrictions having held out from the rest of the Bay Area for all of a week. We weren’t sure if the tree farm falls into the ‘essential’ category, but of course for us it represented a certain milestone that needed recognizing.

We arrived to find this huge nursery open but not offering rides around in golf carts with a knowledgeable tree person at the wheel. It is now a sort of do it yourself effort. We were given plastic ribbon with our name on it to tie around our chosen trees, a map of where we would find them and trudged off to find a fig tree, and a Chinese Pistache. There won’t be any persimmon trees until spring.

The fig trees looked more like the burnt one...leafless sticks...than the burnt one looked when we planted it...covered in leaves and just starting to fruit. In fact how do you choose the perfect tree from this selection? We did our best and are relying on Pedro’s assurance that this is a good time to plant trees.

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