
By fennerpearson


This is a dreadful photograph, sorry.

I had only one decent photo opportunity, yesterday, as I walked down onto platform 14 at Euston and saw the "11 coach pendolino" stretching away from me, the perspective curving it gracefully around the platform.

It was six-thirty and my fellow travellers, all laden with at least one bag and faced with a minimum of an hour and a quarter's journey ahead of them, were all scurrying to find their seats and create there own little travelling space.

Confident though I was of finding a seat on coach U (which is unreserved), I couldn't bring myself to put my bags down and fish out my camera, I was more intent on making my own nest.

Half a bottle of wine and two chapters of my book followed by a longish but uncomfortable sleep and then I was on the station at Lancaster, still tired and blinking in the station lights.

So, although this is a dreadful photo, I will attempt to excuse it by saying that it's a fair reflection of how I felt as I walked along the platform to the car park.

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