Breezy (Day 2032)

A bit of a late night last night meant a later than normal start to the day. The woofers enjoyed their wander up the hill more than I did. There was a strong, cold wind and it was one of those mornings that feels like your face is being chewed off by the wind.
After warming up at home, my beautiful wife and I headed for Stromness to get out on the horses again. HV had planned to get out on Berlin, but he has yet another puncture, so Jeeps got a turn out.
A good ride out, and by the time we were on the shore, the wind was at our backs and Jeeps had his home head on. We sorted the horses out back at the shed, then made for home and lunch.
A woofer wander at Lyde led to a soaking just as we got back to the car.
We made the most of the available daylight today despite the weather.

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