Growing old disgracefully



We have been watching this little fellow with concern over the last few days as he visited to pick up crumbs from the feeders. We spotted a similar one at Culzean last year. He looks for all the world as if he had stuck his left foot in a mixture of porridge and cement. A bit of research suggests that he is suffering from an avian papillomavirus. Apparently chaffinches are particularly prone to it. He can fly and feed ok, though he is not as quick on the ground and if food was less plentiful he might not get enough.

A busy day, writing up proposals, preparing quotes and catching up on some personal correspondence. Meant to get out on my bike. Meant to get jobs done in the garden. Did neither. Went to have a check up at the docs and was pronounced disgustingly healthy.

And a late update - students have been asking for a particular recording not included in the CD I provide, so I have just learned how to record and upload a video to youtube. I.T. is not my thing, so feeling pretty smug.

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