spooky elf

Karen said the only thing spookier would be if the next picture were a close up!

The sky was purple tonight and I was hoping to get this shot with the purple sky but I wasn't fast enough. 

Samuel and I went back to Catoctin Park. Kwtracey, how is it pronounced? Cat-talk-tin? We walked a little over three miles on a regular path, not the rocks with a layer of loose leaves, but your standard rocks and roots. NO FALLS!!

When we arrived at the park Samuel was delighted and we sprinted across the parking lot, my Fuji XT20 bouncing light against me. I heard something fall. It was the battery! Now I know the battery cover on that camera just is not secure. After we arrived at the waterfalls I tried to look at the picture and the camera couldn't read the card. The card was fine, I could read it in my computer and now the camera can read it again - but maybe the camera isn't doing so well. Very glad to have a second. 

Some messed up stuff happened in Washington DC Friday night. I do still believe that the post-election violence will be sporadic and that the perpetrators are inept, unorganized cowards. But I'm surprised that so many people would put their name on calls to overturn our election. I'm surprised at so much that people have been willing to attach their names to, as if there would be no consequences and no lasting shame. 

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