Chocolate face

Little miss Harp did this quite a few times today. The would concentrate so hard, line them all around and then the Jedi would come and in one swoop knock half them down. I tried to hide my giggle when she told him no and he waved his arm and was like " no no no " . Bless her. She's such a pocket rocket. We've had water play which ended up everywhere, we did some counting. She can now count to 39 . We did some shape's and her new one she's learning is a pentagon.
Floor's were swept and steamed, two bathrooms cleaned, some ironing, and then painting. One was a massive fail but we live and we learn. Harp was drawing and then I banned her after she tried to colour in the table on purpose and then her wooden chair .

Lincoln didn't get on great for a while at his childminder so I have decided that tomorrow will be his last day. He goes from being brilliant and joining in and then going in the complete huff when he has to share her attention.

Xander got on great at school but after dinner was quite difficult until bedtime. Some of it is his autism but the rest is just complete butthead behaviour. I stuck to my guns and they didn't get tv in bed . Or cake after dinner. Linc had been cheeky too.

Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes for the Jedi. I can't believe that's him one . X

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