
....Blowing around in the wind while I queued outside the post office this afternoon.  Had another busy work day - joined the senior management team meeting this morning, then carried on stuffing envelopes until lunchtime.  Then an annoying trip to the post office after lunch - a really long queue outside, which was fine, and not unexpected, but once I got inside I was boiling hot, someone cut in front of me in the queue and then it turned out I couldn't send two of my three parcels from there (I'd picked the Tracked 48 option online, and apparently they have to be sent from the delivery office next door - which had closed an hour before).  Grrr!  

Back home to an extremely busy afternoon/evening - finally managed to stop work shortly before 7pm.  

Poor Tim was not feeling well today - since yesterday, in fact.  He called in sick and spent the day on the sofa.  As ever, we're puzzled as to how he could have caught anything from anywhere.

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