Flower abstract

Today was a car day.  My husband dropped his car off for a service and I gave him a lift back home, well not quite home as he wanted to get some stamps.  I headed home and he walked back totally drenched from a heavy rain shower.  I had an appointment at a different garage to have a new car door lock fitted and called on a friend for lunch.  We sat in her garage with the door open and had a hearty bowl of soup before going for a short walk. It was good to catch up.  It will probably be one of those memories of lockdown - the strange places you met up to see people.

I then drove to the garage and waited while the car was repaired.  I just about managed to get back home in time to take my husband to the local garage where his car needed picking up.

Todays blip is an emergency abstract taken of flowers in a vase.

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