Some bright spots

The Netherlands have gone into the strictest lockdown from midnight last night until at least the 19th of January, absolutely necessary to stop the renewed exponential rise of Covid-19 infections which in any case will mean overfull ICUs and other hospital wards at Christmas and New Year (not just horrible for the patients and their family but so hard on the medical staff and their families too).

It's grim for all, but there is no other way. Yet there are still plenty of people protesting and even demonstrating against the measures. And when it became clear yesterday by midday that these measures were imminent people flocked to the high streets and supermarkets to panic buy ... Whatever happened to common sense ?

Oh well, we've been staying mostly at home and only visiting with Jack and his parents and they with us for months now, we can do another couple of months of this if needed. I do feel for people with children cooped up in smaller houses without gardens, for people who have no family or friends for support and for anyone whose livelihood is in danger and I hope that after Jan 19 things will be good enough for some relaxation of the lockdown measures.

Trying to create some warmth and bright spots and maybe create a seasonal greetings card at the same time with the help of some of our baubles, fairy lights and star anise.

For Tiny Tuesday with thanks to carol_dunham for hosting.

Thanks so much for all the kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Blip of my two oma's, you were so kind. I am trying to write down some of their life stories.

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