Waving ...

... not drowning - I think, though he did look remarkably forlorn, and he did actually wave! I was enroute to take a look at the Kilnaruane stone, always trying to get the elusive image of it. I've blipped it many times before but the carvings, which are unique, are really getting worryingly faint. Should you look at the extra you will need to turn the pic round so its horizontal and there you can just about see the wonder that is the earliest carving of a boat in Ireland! Actually I'm not sure that's true but it it could represent St Brendan sailing in his currach through a sea of crosses. At the very top, now pretty indistinguishable, are two interlocked rams.  All that but it was the doggy in the window that did it for me!

Busy day - Himself tiling and grouting, me working in the polytunnel - one half sorted.

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