Flopsy Bunny

I should have brought a bit of tinsel with me to make this chap a bit festive. He looks like he's been here a while but he's still smiling. Spotted on my walk. Today I did a circuit major but went west along the old green road towards Kilcrohane  (my spell checker thinks this should be necrophilia) then took a left turn down towards the road, crossed the road (at the point above) and headed steeply down towards the sea and Reenmore. I saw not a soul just some sheep and quite a lot of evidence of wild goat droppings. The wild goat herd are the ancestors of a gang who ran off and went feral sometime in the 1930s. They are magnificent creatures when you see them, all horns and shagginess, and they just do their thing up in the hills. Although I didn't see the goats I did come across this enormous and magnificent slug! I was hoping it might be an incredibly rare Kerry slug but think it might be a leopard slug, also pretty impressive.

Himself arrived home from his mega trip to Limerick wrecked but he has achieved - a replacement device and a length of worktop ordered. He also managed a trip to Grange stone circle, the largest in Ireland, which he had to himself in the sunshine. The murk continues down here. 

And in other news, I cleared under the stairs.  For the last 20 years this has been the place where old bottles and jars wait to be recycled, though some are always kept in the optimistic chance that I might have a moment of madness and make jam and where broken crockery and mugs are heaped, along with dead lightbulbs, and dead batteries. Add a bit of mice activity and you probably get the picture. Not pretty. Anyway, it now looks much better and there are now more organised piles of stuff ready to be recycled or not.

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