If Only...

Looks like someone is going somewhere... maybe someday we will again... though can't actually imagine it ever being as easy as it used to be.

Thanks so much for all your kindness yesterday, in true Blip spirit.

We ran out of electricity as I was on my laptop last night; went to bed and read by candlelight. And woke this morning to sunshine - enough to give the batteries a good enough charge that I did a big wash, which I even hung out; it's finishing drying now, hung over the fire.

- seeing family on FT this morning; both grandkids at home now because of the virus
- finding out more about my Dad from my brother in NZ - here is another photo of him with us all in Ecuador, and then finding an article about the trip when spears were thrown at him, which cleared up a few details (if it's accurate) - with a Swedish explorer, Jan and Keith!
- sunshine and electricity and clean clothes and clean pillowcases, at least

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