
Finally a break in the weather.  Calm all day, and the sun has been shining.  Warm for the time of year.  Clear skies tonight. 

I've been working from home this morning, a couple of hours off in the afternoon, and then finishing up this evening.  I met up with friend Viveka for lunch the Cornerstone, not seen her since lockdown started.  Walkies with Sammy, and met up with friend Julie and Keba too.  Feet up and telly on now.

After a busy morning, I headed out for a much needed walk and enjoy a spell of sunshine.  Not seeing the sun for a good few days lately, it's now really low in the sky, and the shortest day not far away. Some long shadows being cast over Will and Jean's croft, Islesview, Greenmow, Cunningsburgh.  

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