About to turn

By jMcLean


A bunch of arm warmers I've been working on for Christmas presents.

I was interested in some comments about Santa Claus and Father Christmas on my blip yesterday, so did a little reading. I guess I should've known about the role Coca Cola played in remaking Santa's image (at least over here). My granddad worked for the Coca Cola bottling company (in Walla Walla, Washington :-)) and I remember many Coca Cola ads, trays, and other things that featured the "jolly old elf" with white beard and red coat and hat. Daughter I. tells me that the political cartoonist Nast, in the later 19th c, had a hand in developing this image before Coca Cola got involved around 1930.

On the Coca Cola note, my Walla Walla grandparents always had an abundant stock of pop, as we called soda, including Dr. Pepper. (This is son D's favorite, which figured into our touring the Dr. Pepper museum in Waco TX a number of years ago when we were visiting W's hometown.) My grandmother used to fix a Christmas treat of HEATED Dr. Pepper. I think everyone thought it was disgusting, except my grandma and me. 

Well, tomorrow's a snow day and school's been called, to D's delight. It may seem odd to have a snow day at a time when school's completely virtual, but quite a few students rely upon the internet hotspots the school system has set up around the county, and those will be inaccessible. We're due for a good old nor'easter, though the amount of forecast snow has been downgraded from 18 to 3-6 inches. The forecast confidence, though, was only "medium" - so we'll see what happens!

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