
By KaliBug

Happy Transportation Is No Small Feet

Today's challenge's were transportation (mine) and something that makes me happy (missymoo's challenge)

My main mode of transportation are my feet. I love walking places because I can take the time to look at things and take pictures if I find something and piques my interest. My feet are making me happy right now because (as some of you fellow blippers may know... I am a dancer) well, I haven't taken a professional class in a few years (but last night my mommy told me that she would look into this hip hop class I want to take) and so I started doing my ballet warm ups and dance stretches only to be very pleased that I can still do a proper butterfly stretch. :) **Thank You Yoga**

Stayed home from school sick today and will use most of my day to study for my chemistry "quiz" that I will need to take when I get back (it's on polyatomic ions and their charges and naming of them and bonding of them and such... i.e. a lot of memorization... joy)

Another thing that makes me happy is that my wonderful boyfriend (Jacob, who is featured here he doesn't have his snake bites in in this picture but he is still super adorable) walks for about an hour to come see me (if he's walking from his house)... if he's coming to see me after work it usually only takes him 10 minutes to walk. The best part is, he never complains about his walk over... he's always just so happy to see me and I love it :) I love knowing that I make someone just as happy as they make me. He's the best. I brought him Tazo green tea (it's called Zen because it's not just green tea) and some honey because he has a cold so hopefully that helped with his cough and chills.

A week from yesterday is our 1 month. I'm very excited; not to celebrate with a fancy dinner and flowers but to recognize that I think I have found the one... I mean I have liked him for 5 years.... I know there are people out there who will laugh because they think "ahh young love, it won't last forever like you think" but you know what? I think it just might.

Mom used her lunch break to bring me veggie broth, Ritz, and mint tea. Oh yes she's the best mommy ever!

Ooo on a not-so-happy note, I told my mom last night that I had been self-harming for about 4 years now (when she told me I was grounded from my ipod which is the main thing that has kept me from self harming since the 28th of jan *thanks to Jacob <3* and I told her I needed it and she said no, you don't need it you want it. I told her she didn't understand and she had no clue what music does for me on a daily basis and she told me to explain so I did.. She told me she was sorry she had never noticed before, I told her it wasn't her fault that she didn't notice because I've always hidden it... she gave me my ipod back and we're now working to find me a coping mechanism inside me because we both know I have one... I just need to find it) anyways... she took it way better than I thought she was going to... I mean yes she cried but she didn't freak out and ask me why and what she had done wrong and all that stuff. Hopefully this will be better for the both of us now that she knows.

I will learn to respect my body.

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