More men, more holes

I couldn't claim to have taken the "interest" in the tramworks on Leith Walk that CanCarrier has done in her "And on" series (sadly not tagged, but easy to find via her profile), but I'm not capable of walking past a bunch of blokes in hi viz peering into a hole, in this case being sucked out by some sort of mobile vacuum machine, without getting out my camera. No indeed. I can testify that it does go on, and on, and on, with little discernible progress, although I notice that the places to cross Leith Walk at one point had changed compared to last week.

I woke up with the alarm at 7am and had a look at my phone which was flashing up an event. I'd completely forgotten I was on a call to Finland at 7.15am. It's actually quite good that I forgot, because I do find that having an early start like that isn't necessarily good for me, because I fret about it during the night. After breakfast, I walked to work, met RW for lunch and a natter, and came home again. Generally a fairly ordinary Wednesday. We then watched a rather odd documentary called 25 siblings and me. I'm not sure I'm glad we watched it.

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