Voulez Vouz?.....

Finally booked my 25 years work gift.....a day trip for two to Paris on the Eurostar, with champagne lunch up the Eiffel! taking sis with me. can't wait. pic is of my mini Eiffel that mum & dad bought me years ago....

worked from home today. logged on at 7am, cup of tea and some online training to do first of all. walked Pete at 8am, freezing out , and ended up having the heating on all day, with Pete regularly wanting to venture outside into the freezing cold.

gots lots done, plus nice jacket spud for lunch, needed the carbs for my spin class later!

afternoon went quick and packed up at 5.30pm as off for spinning class. tonights class was a virtual ride to and round carsington water, a brill workout.

back home, chilli prawns and noodles for tea, and then some chill time.

friday tomorrow....roll on.....

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