Forest in waiting

These small trees are growing in a grove of mature firs. They are short of light because the parent trees are so good at harvesting it. They are probably doomed to grow a bit bigger and then die back for lack of resources. But if one of the big trees fall and lets the light in they'll be up and running.
I had an online political committee meeting all morning, from 8 o'clock to about 12:30. In the days when I worked a regular job an 8 o'clock start was fairly standard, but I'm out of the habit now and I've felt tired all day as a result.  
I did another pre-Christmas bake including another 32 saffron buns and starting a sourdough batch. We also replaced one of the ceiling lights in Betty's, covered up the bonfire we'll hopefully be having on Sunday, so it won't get rained on tonight and went for a short walk in the falling snow.

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