Treasure hunting

Nate went off to school this morning...and not long later Danny called to say they were on their way home again. Half of his class were at the gate, but apparently 'until the 21st' meant including the 21st! So they had no teacher and one more day of being at home. Some disgruntled parents by all accounts, Nate came home saying 'Kevin's mommy was very cross!' Ha! So a last minute rejiggle of the morning as Danny and I had both booked things in. 
I saw Sharon for coffee and a tostada. She said the guys on the streets are all looking forward to Christmas Day. I feel a bit overwhelmed by it this year - all the regulations, SO many people wanting to get involved and help. It's all a bit beyond my organisational skills. 
We collected Asha from school and headed to a beach to eat our sarnies - just what we needed - half an hour of sunshine and sounds of the waves. Home and Danny went off to prison and the kids and I sorted Christmas gifts for their teachers and Asha's friends. Nate had already gotten cosy in his pjs so popped out to the shops still in them. Later still and inspired by Bulliblips instagram post of the Christmas star, post tea and both in pjs this time, we headed out in search of the star...but were too late. We'll look again tomorrow night. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fresh bedding.
2) A mug of mulled wine beside me.
3) The 'problem' of too many volunteers for Christmas - a nice problem to have.

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