
Finally. Some natural vitamin :-D.

An errand in Kirkby Stephen meant a drive East into the rising sun. The Howgills and the wild hills that mark the last of the Dales looked alluring in their cloaks of white and a plan formed.
With the temperature gauge reading zero the drive up Tailbridge Neck at 7:1 was interesting in a "I'm really glad the van has traction control" kinda way, but the quick access to wild country more than made up for it.

A good hard direct route seemed the best way to warm up so Missy and me headed straight up the nose of Fell Ends onto High Pike Hill (of which Missy is clearly demonstrating her sovereignty in the extra) and then made our way along High Brae to White Bank Hill from where today's main blip was taken. Then across to High Seat before heading back down with our souls glowing.

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