It is almost dark again and it snows. Not those big flakes however, just many many little ones. Piet Hein and I are just coming back from our first walk since we arrived last monday. It feels as if we are in wintersport, we say.
And that always was a special feeling. Exiting I would say. In the white world. On our walk along the Weser we heard bird sounds, an owl? And then we saw a white heron flying and landing on the shore. I against all odds took pictures with Piet Hein's Panasonic.
I do not remember if the sun came behind the clouds today at all. The days tend to look almost the same with the snowing off and on.
The icicles grow and grow, the one at the corner of the hut is amazingly long. Beyond me to make a passable picture of it.
I prefer this little one. And my other favoured is a picture of yesterday's bird happily eating of the seeds.

My haiku:

'If winter comes' title
Of a book I once read 'If
Winter stays' it's now

And the italian proverb :

It is not enough to aim: you must hit.

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