
By TinyR

La Lune

A short while ago. I headed out to the supermarket to get stuff for making mojitos. I'm meeting my friend Rebecca later and fancied a couple of drinks for when I was getting ready. Normally my drink of choice is gin, but a nice mojito made with Havana Club is not to be sniffed at. As I type, I am sipping a deliciously refreshing glass of minty, limey goodness. It's really rather lovely.

Anyway, when I got to the shops, I bumped into another friend Helen. She's wonderfully minxy and it was really nice to catch up with her. As we chatted, I noticed that the moon had already appeared in the sky, and it made me smile. It's such a beautiful thing and looking at it and knowing that no matter where any of my people are, anywhere in the world, that the moon we see is the same one is strangely comforting. In terms of the whole universe, we really are only footsteps apart. I would love to go to the moon one day and sit looking back at Earth. To spend a night on the moon would be amazing. Simply amazing.

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