
By amandoAlentejo

Friends on a Bench

Following a lead from the Blipping Vicar, went to the Hill Hook Nature Reserve this afternoon - so happy to find another bit of nature within Sutton. This is my daughter with her joined-at-the-hip friend, and a weird man with binoculars who just might be my husband.

Hill Hook Nature Reserve is 7.5 hectares - we didn't see it all, but the sun was shining so the sky was beautiful - and illuminated the silver birches, and the water of the old mill pond. Very sad that the old mill was demolished in 1970, basically because vandals burnt it to the ground. More creative humans have made some wonderful carvings of old logs: we saw a throne, some giant toadstools and a man with a Pinnochio nose and arms flung wide. One photo a day is not enough!

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