
Something I bought in a souvenir shop decades ago.  It took many, many years before I decided to use them, and I finally did after I turned a half century old, as 'life is so short, so eat the delicious food, use the beautiful dishes', and more of that idea.  It is not yet worn out but there is a hint of discoloration, so that is good.

As I'd already done some errands yesterday, stayed home today, and a good thing, too, as it was just plain 'druilerig'.  A load of ironing done as well as some vacuuming.  The best bit, though, is that the TV is finally working!  AW junked the previous set and got a good second-hand LED from Son, but the modem from the cable provider wasn't okay, so he was told to actually phone the provider directly to clarify instructions on how to use it.  AW was connected to the right department and it turned out that all they wanted was for him to type in a code using the remote.  Once the code was typed in, they activated the modem, et voila!  Yes, that is now how things work -- they are connected to all their modems and if, for instance, you have not paid your bill, they can simply disconnect you.  On the other hand, they also do their repairs this way, apparently.  The box the new modem arrived in will be the same box we'll mail the old one back, at their expense, so that will be done tomorrow.  The company we buy our printer ink from does the same thing -- enclose a plastic recycle bag with the new cartridges so that we can send the empty ones back for refill, at their expense.  Sustainable and motivating.

And that was how Lockdown Day 9 went.

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