Christmas Pud!

Hubby isn’t a great one for buying Christmas decorations but he surprised me with a little Christmas pud for the tree (amongst other lovely gifts, including a coffee machine, hurrah!)

It would have been a noisy Christmas with all our children but four of the seven of us are in London lockdown.
So the three of us here had a later start to Christmas Day than we usually do.

Stockings, bacon rolls, a walk in the lovely crisp, cold bright sunshine before church (on you tube), present opening and dinner prep.
We invited a couple from church to join our Christmas bubble today which was lovely.

We also managed a couple of games, several FaceTime and zoom calls and lots of food, drink and nibbles.
Like everyone else, it wasn’t the Christmas we had hoped for but we made the most of it and had a lovely day.

Happy Christmas blippers!

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