Christmas Day

Up and off to middle daughter’s for a lovely pancake, bacon and maple syrup breakfast.
Then to church for the Christmas Day service.
Back home for presents and cheeses and nibbles for lunch.
We usually have Christmas dinner at lunchtime but this time we had it later in the day. Much better. Made the morning loads less busy!

Dinner and then games on Zoom with oldest and her hubby. Thankfully, he’s not feeling too bad with covid.
They sent lots of videos of gorgeous grandson opening presents and enjoying the wrapping paper more than the gifts :)

Lovely to spend the day with some of our family and see the others on Zoom. Lots of fun and laughs. They’re all a fab bunch.

The blip was on a church window ledge, not made by me but makes for a colourful Nativity scene.

Extras of our dinner and pigs in blankets, so yum.

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