Next two meals - SORTED.

As a parting shot, after yesterday's Store -feeding, I was offered a turkey leg as a "Leaving present."
Being Both "Fat as a Fell Frog" and "Full as a Gull's Egg" to boot, it wasn't an easy decision (LIAR never known to refuse a freebie) I discovered it wasn't the Drumstick I expected but a whole leg.  When she said leg she meant leg.
This a.m. I unearthed the last top of Oca.  It seems the prophecy of increased size after frost death of the top is full justified.  It's only guessimetry, but I think the side "nublicks" develop after that too.

BTW - do NOT search "nublick"; you'll be offered Niblicks or the Nublock collection of costume Jewellery.
Belay that last Pipe. 
It's more than costume, I've just seen the prices.

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