By lizzie_birkett

Snuggly Girls!

The Grandchildren all have their quilts now and I think they went down well! 
Sabrina sent me this pic of Amelia and Lucy after their shower and ready for bed.

I don't think storm Bella was that bad here but it must have rained all night. We went for a lovely walk this morning but the mud in the fields was deep and slutchy (Frank's favourite word just now!)
I managed to get mud over my wellies, in fact over my knees! I think our Bella was wondering why her name was mentioned so often on the news and weather :-)

After (yet another!) Left overs lunch we had coffee and choccies - M&S vegan ones - yummy!

I made my German Potato Salad for tea. It is Frank's favourite meal that I make. It must be eaten with a beer! See extra for the making of it.
Yesterday we watched good Telly - all stuff that I'd recorded. 
We watched Coco a delightful animation, then The Scottish Ballet performing The Snow Queen - one of my favourite fairy stories, and later The Man who Invented Christmas about Charles Dickens.

We never normally watch this much telly but on these cold, wet days of Covid lockdown it's a Godsend.

Things are looking promising with Astra Zenica vaccine. They say it has excellent positive results.
It gives me hope for next year. :-)

Stay safe and positive! :-)X

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