
The first blossoms from the bulbs I planted in early December. Some have barely sprouted, while this one despite being in full sunlight (which I'd thought would make it more compact) has sprung up a couple feet tall. I'm not crazy about the paperwhite scent, so I bought some bulbs that supposedly produce only lightly scented flowers. They're lighter for sure but still noticeable. I love having the blooms, though, and watching the roots grow down through the marbles I've placed the bulbs on.

Another cold day and with lots of sunshine. Went for a lovely long brisk walk along the W&OD trail toward Leesburg. A few cyclists were about but not many. The trailside puddles were iced over and some birds were twittering in the brush, getting ready for the night. The moon was really glowing by the time we got back to the car.

Hope it's a good week ahead, the last of this year!

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