One down.....

and one pair to go! I focussed today and cut out two pairs of Luna pyjamas. I had time to sew one pair, but the second is sitting in readiness for tomorrow. Hopefully they will be in the post on Tuesday. Poor rabbits will be catching colds if I don't get a move on! I'll then await further instructions on what they need next! In the meantime I will be planning what other projects I want to do this coming year, and completing my cardigan. 
We had snow showers on and off all day. I was able to video Reggie in the snow having a great time, he loves it, and send them to the grandchildren. They are very jealous of the snow. I guess there aren't many children who don't like snow. Tomorrow is forecast to be much brighter but not getting above freezing all day so Reg will be able to play some more as the snow will be sat there all day no doubt. Barry will go along to Mary to get her coal in as she's 88 and the snow and ice is treacherous for her. We hate to think she may fall and injure herself. He will take her a slice of Christmas cake too!
My mum is doing ok my SIL is struggling a bit. It's hard for her, now on her own and not being able to meet up with her friends  either, especially now they are tier 4. She could really do with having someone to chat to, face to face, over a lovely cuppa after so much that has happened in a relatively short space of time. I feel so sad for her but there's nothing I can do other than the phone calls. We can have a laugh together on the phone but when the phone's down I know it's so difficult for her. Life can be hard. 

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