
By Bom


It comes to something when the squirrels even try to hide a nut in my xmas tree! I received this cute little fella as part of a xmas present from a friend, so it went straight up on the tree. I've done very little today, a bit of a jigsaw, a bit of listening to an audiobook of a Christmas Carol whilst on my walking treadmill, and a bit of putting presents away. Actually I'm a tad bored, Jan and Feb will be a challenge!!!

Day 288 / Day 9 of the 4 Tiers (for my record only)
UK deaths up 357 to 71,109 (revised basis), with 41,385 new cases (a new record), 21,286 patients in hospital and 1,529 on ventilation (only data for England is being updated every day during the xmas/new year period). No doubt we'll see a big surge in numbers post weekend/bank hols, but the daily new cases are already very bad. Globally cases to date pass 81m, with those in South Africa passing 1m. The London Ambulance Service took 7,918 calls on Boxing Day, up 2,500 compared to 2019. Manchester City's game was cancelled today due to a number of positive cases. A journalist in Wuhan who reported on the outbreak of the pandemic has been jailed for 4 years for 'picking quarrels and provoking trouble.' 200 Brits in an upmarket ski resort in Swizerland did a moonlight flit after being told to quarantine - so unbelievably selfish, I hope they get arrested and detained somewhere a lot less comfortable than the hotel they were in. 

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